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What does the expiration date mean for my fee?
This may seem like a simple question, but we do want to be clear on what this means. The Expiration date is essentially the deadline to make the final payment. When creating a new Fee, the “poster” should put in the date that the final payment is due ...
When would I use a Storefront in Marketplace?
If there are multiple items in your marketplace, then this is when you will want to implement the Storefront feature to categorize the items in the marketplace so that when people are trying to find what they are wanting, then they will be able to ...
How do I reset my password?
If you've forgotten your password... honestly this happens to all of us at one time or another... this is no big issue. Simply go to leanstreamrp.com/users/forgot and enter your email address. Soon an email will arrive outlining how to reset your ...
When will my voucher come?
Wow - good question. So here is what we know as of September 1st. The vouchers are being sent out by the State of Alabama. They will come in the form of a letter that is mailed to the home of every eligible family. As of yesterday (August 31) we are ...
How do I get my voucher for free internet?
The free internet from the State of Alabama requires the entry of a voucher code to sign up. Vouchers are being included with a letter straight from the State. The code will be on the letter on the right side. We don't have the codes and the only way ...