How do I import a fee or multiple fees using an Excel file?

How do I import a fee or multiple fees using an Excel file?

**You will need to get approval from your bookkeeper to make sure that the information you are going to import gets approved by them before you import the fees.**

1. Once you are logged into your account, you should see the 'Fees' tab on the left panel of your screen.  Click on the 'Fees' tab and then click on 'Import Fees'. 

2. Click on the 'Download Template' button.

3.  A pre-populated sample Excel spreadsheet will download. Open up the downloaded file.

4. This is where you can import or copy/paste multiple fees. Click the 'Enable Editing' button at the top of your screen.

5. Now you are ready to enter the fee information for multiple fees (following the format in the sample fee provided on the spreadsheet).


**Please make sure the information imported correctly or information was pasted correctly**


6. Once you are done entering all of the fees, save the file on your computer and remember the location of where the file was saved.

7. Go to your "Import Fees" screen (on the LeanStream platform) .

8. Click on the 'Choose File' button and locate the Excel file that you saved.

9. Once the file is selected, hit the 'Upload' button. 

NOTE: If you have errors in your uploaded spreadsheet, you will get a downloaded Excel file that will have 'errors' at the end of the name. You will need to correct these errors and save the file and then re-upload the updated file.


Double check your fees to ensure they uploaded correctly.


Now all of your fees should be listed on your 'Fees List' page under the 'Pending' tab.  These fees will need to be approved by a designee before they can be viewed by the public. 


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