How do I post a Need?

How do I post a Need?


If you are a School User or School Administrator:

1. Once you log in, you should be on the school district's dashboard page. Locate the Needs panel on the left side of the screen. At the top of the Needs panel, you should see the 'Add Need' button located in the top right portion of the panel. You will then click on the 'Add Need' button. 


Any User type:

1. Once you log in, you should see the dashboard for you school district. You will then need to locate the 'Needs' tab on the left panel and then click 'Needs List'.


2. Click on the 'Add Need' button in the top right portion of the page.


Once you are in the Need form:

1. In the Need Name field, you will put the title of your need. There are also options to include an image or video of your need as well.

2. Expiration date: this is where you insert the date for when the Need expires (the deadline for receiving donations).

3. School/Organization: This is where you will select the school you are creating the Need for.

You may want to enter an account code for your need, but it is not necessary.

4. Request Need Type/Recurring Payment for Need: This is where you can choose which type of  need you want to create and whether or not you want to allow a recurring payment.

5. Need Amount: This is where you will key in the total amount of money you want to raise for your Need.

6. Description: We encourage you to list the reasons you are asking for donations so that your donors have a clear understanding of how their funds will be used.  Include any additional information that will help the donor make a decision on whether or not to give and how much to give.

7. Tags and Need Poster: The tags section is where you can provide key words for your Need to help people find your Need easier when they are searching for it. The Need Poster is the person who will be in charge of this Need.

8. Once you are done filling out all the necessary and available fields, you can click on the save and exit button located in the bottom right portion of the page. 


Your need should now be located under the "Pending" tab on the Needs List page.


If you need additional help, feel free to contact us at or you can call us at 833-943-4463.

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