What if I have multiple sizes or colors?

What if I have multiple sizes or colors?

No worries! It’s simple to create a listing with multiple sizes and/or colors for your item. If you need to set up a listing from the beginning, we suggest you start with these instructions then pick up with this article. If you’re already in the middle of setting up your listing and hit a roadblock, just follow the instructions below:

  1. When you get to the ‘Multiple Item Option’, select the appropriate response from the drop-down menu. It offers the option for adding multiple colors only, multiple sizes only, or all (meaning you need to add multiple colors AND sizes of an item).
  2. It will display an area where you can enter the quantity (if you have Inventory Tracking turned on), the size and/or color, and the base price for that specific item (in case your items have different prices).
    1. Note: The Actual price is automatically generated to accommodate the processing fee so you don’t have to worry about doing anything with that section
  3. Select the appropriate sizes and/or colors from the drop-down menus. If you don’t see the correct size and/or color in the drop-down menus, click the ‘Add Additional Size’ and/or ‘Add Additional Color’ button off to the right of the section.
  4. If you have to add another item, press the green plus sign next to the actual price. If you accidentally add too many items, press the red ‘x’ button to remove the unwanted item.
  5. When you’re finished, click ‘Save & Exit’.
  6. You’re done!



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