What does the expiration date mean for my fee?
This may seem like a simple question, but we do want to be clear on what this means. The Expiration date is essentially the deadline to make the final payment. When creating a new Fee, the “poster” should put in the date that the final payment is due ...
When would I use a Storefront in Marketplace?
If there are multiple items in your marketplace, then this is when you will want to implement the Storefront feature to categorize the items in the marketplace so that when people are trying to find what they are wanting, then they will be able to ...
How do I reset my password?
If you've forgotten your password... honestly this happens to all of us at one time or another... this is no big issue. Simply go to and enter your email address. Soon an email will arrive outlining how to reset your ...
When will my voucher come?
Wow - good question. So here is what we know as of September 1st. The vouchers are being sent out by the State of Alabama. They will come in the form of a letter that is mailed to the home of every eligible family. As of yesterday (August 31) we are ...
How do I get my voucher for free internet?
The free internet from the State of Alabama requires the entry of a voucher code to sign up. Vouchers are being included with a letter straight from the State. The code will be on the letter on the right side. We don't have the codes and the only way ...
What does it mean that the Wifi Device is 'Filtered for Students'?
ABC for Students Program Devices come with TitanHQ WebTitan & T-Mobile Education Grade Content Filtering already setup and installed. T-Mobile Education Grade Content Filtering T-Mobile provides education grade content filtering via an advanced DNS ...
How do I know if I will get good enough coverage with T-Mobile?
If you received an ABC Voucher letter and T-Mobile is listed as one of the providers in your letter, then you should have good enough coverage to meet the program requirements. You see we knew this would come up and we got ahead of it! The state and ...
How long does the free internet program last?
Originally, the ABC for Students program provided free internet and equipment for eligible families through December 30, 2020. It was being funded with money given to the State by the federal government under the CARES Act. IN late December, Governor ...
What if I don't have voucher? And how do I get one?
The ABC for Students Program is a state program and they set it up to operate on vouchers. The voucher is your "payment" for internet through June 30, 2021. So, you have to have one to sign up. The voucher codes were contained in a letter from the ...
Do I have to pay for the hotspot in the ABC Program? What about installation?
Under the ABC for Students Program, free really means free - as in no payments need to be made for anything! It is totally free through June 30, 2021. The service is free and the hotspot is free too. As for installation, well...there is no need to ...
How do I reach customer support for my T-Mobile service through the ABC Connect for Students Program?
For questions and customer support related to your T-Mobile service (through the ABC Connect for Students Program), please call (833) 748-9669, go to and chat with us, or email us at ...
Can I make my WiFi on the Go donation with the ABC voucher?
The ABC voucher will cover internet service though June 30, 2021 and an Alcatel Linkzone 2 portable hotspot (or other equivalent equipment). T-Mobile has put together a very special package just for this program and the voucher can only be used to ...
What does the Alabama Broadband Connectivity for Students voucher cover?
"The voucher you receive in the mail will cover the cost of equipment, installation, and high-speed internet service through June 30, 2021. You will be able to use your voucher once, with one internet service provider, to sign up for service for the ...
How do I keep the service from the ABC for Students Program?
The ABC for Students program expired at the end of June 2021. We are aware of another program called the EBB (Emergency Broadband Benefit) Program that LeanStream is not participating in. However, we are providing an option for those that are wanting ...
I am a participant in the Alabama Broadband Connect for Students (ABC) Program. Can I keep my T-Mobile internet service after the ABC Program ends on June 30 2021?
You might be interested in our Wifi on the Go Program for $38/month. Wifi on the Go is a digital resource initiative geared to enhance academic achievement by increasing access to affordable, reliable internet. The Program provides subscribers with ...
What if I have a problem with my service or connection? Who do I call?
So lots of folks just try to call T Mobile or even go to a T-Mobile store – don’t try that! If you do, they won’t be able to find your account and they will ask you lots of questions that you won’t know the answers to (trust us on this one…). In ...
What if I break my hotspot or lose it?
We will send you another one. Things happen – they get dropped in the tub or the dog may chew it up (it happened to one client- for real)- and we can just send you another one if it does.
Why do I have to enter my child’s school-supplied student email address or my school system employee email address?
WiFi on the Go is a VIP program for student families and employees of our partner school districts. T-Mobile has asked us for a way of validating eligibility for the program and that is what the email addresses are for. The system actually matches ...
How exactly does the WiFi On The Go program help support my child’s school?
Your school actually gets around 20% of the proceeds from your monthly contribution. Think of it like many of the other fundraisers you probably have seen out there – candy bars, magazines, wrapping paper, cookie dough, doughnuts etc – where part of ...
What is a hotspot and how does it work?
A hotspot is a device that is about the size of a deck of cards that sends and receives data. It has two radios in it – one of them sends data back and forth across the T Mobile 4G/LTE cellular network and the other one sends data back and forth ...
My hotspot shows that I have a 20 GB limit. I thought this was an unlimited plan?
So, you must have the new T9 hotspot. It is awesome and is able to take advantage of the newest technology from T Mobile, all designed to make your internet experience faster and better. So, about that data meter…it says that you have a 20GB limit on ...
So…is it really unlimited? What about throttling?
It really is unlimited, yep. So no extra charges for using a certain amount of data. And no throttling either. So it doesn’t automatically slow down after you hit a certain threshold. That said, remember that it works kind of like a pipe and ...
Who do I contact if I have a question regarding an item for sale in the marketplace?
The items posted for sale within the marketplace are posted on behalf of the school system. LeanStream does not fulfill orders, provide refunds, or have any direct knowledge regarding the items posted other than what is shown through the platform. ...
My device keeps roaming and slowing down - what should I do?
The hotspot should not be roaming regularly, especially if you are using it where the T-Mobile network is. Fortunately, it is a fairly easy fix and we can help you turn it off. To turn data roaming off, we have to go to the administrative console - ...
Where do I find my WiFi password?
We get it - there are way too many passwords to keep up with! So, it is inevitable that just about the time you really have to get on the internet, you forget the password. Fortunately, there is an easy fix for that! If you have an Alcatel Linkzone ...
I Need Help with my Alcatel LINKZONE 2 Mobile Hotspot Device?
Find answers to the most important questions with T-Mobile's interactive tutorials here: Example of questions: 1. How do I reset my device to factory settings? 2. How to update ...
I Need Help with My Franklin T9 Mobile Hotspot?
Find answers to the most important questions with T-Mobile's interactive tutorials here: Help Categories include: Apps & Accessories Battery, Memory, & ...
How do I perform a factory reset on my device?
A lot of the issues that can occur with our hotspot devices can be solved by performing a simple factory reset. Before doing this, please note that this will clear any changes you have made on the device level, such as the network name and password, ...
I don't see my school district under 'Support Your School'.
Looking to sign up for WiFi on the Go but can't see your school district on our website? LeanStream is working hard to partner with as many school districts as possible so we can provide our WiFi on the Go program to anyone who needs it. As the ...
What is the Educator’s Honorarium?
The Honorarium is a legacy donation fund that allows families to place a donation in the name of or in honor of a teacher, principal, or any school staff member at a school in the designated district. This is a great way to engage your community over ...
How to set up Educator’s Honorarium request?
As a teacher or principal, you can submit a request to the platform’s District Administrator to create a teacher honorarium for the entire district. This will allow donors to choose any school in that district to make a donation in honor of a teacher ...
How do I cancel the Loyalty program payment (or recurring payment)?
Thanks for your contributions to the Loyalty fundraising program! You are awesome and your donations are greatly appreciated. We are sad to see you need to cancel but understand that things come up and changes must be made or maybe you didn’t mean to ...
What is the Loyalty program (or recurring donation) and why would I use it?
The recurring donation is the gift that keeps on giving—literally. So just because the need is no longer visible in the needs gallery and is no longer accepting new donations, donors who opted to have recurring payments will keep giving to your need ...
How do I see how much I've raised in the Loyalty program?
After setting up your Loyalty Need, it's always helpful to be able to check-in and see how it's going! Here's a step-by-step guide to check on your received donations to date: After logging into the Platform, select the drop-down arrow next to Needs ...
How do I get money from a recurring Need?
Congratulations on your fundraising initiative! For your convenience, the LeanStream platform provides Fund Request Vouchers, you need to manually print the voucher and send it to your Chief Financial Officer or designated party to receive funds. To ...
How do I know how much each donor has given for my Need?
It is so helpful to keep track of how much your donors have given to a specific Need or whether they are recurring donors or not. There are two easy ways to see how much donors have given to your Need. Needs List option (This option is helpful to get ...
What is the Marketplace?
The Marketplace is our version of the electronic canteen, concession stand, or country store. Maybe even like a flea market…It provides an electronic space for schools, booster clubs, PTAs, or other support organizations to sell whatever they want to ...
What if I need to give buyers special instructions?
Sometimes the item(s) you’re selling has special instructions for washing or maintaining the item(s) and you want your customers to know before they purchase. No problem! There’s a section for that built directly into the listing setup and can easily ...
How do I List an Item for Sale?
Listing an item for sale in the Marketplace is as easy as buying items in the Marketplace. No software programming knowledge necessary. Just follow the steps below to have your item(s) added and uploaded in mere minutes (depending on how many items ...
What do I do if my item does not have inventory?
If you’ve sold out your inventory or a particular size/color then all you have to do is celebrate! As long as your Inventory Tracking is turned on then the system will automatically update the site to reflect what item(s) are still in stock and will ...
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